Communication student profiles

Headshot of Milo.

Milo Applejohn

Biomedical Visualization and Communication

When Milo entered the Biomedical Visualization and Communication program at the start of 2021, he did so with the goal of becoming a medical illustrator. Read more about his journey.

Headshot of Muna.

Muna Ibrahim

Biomedical Visualization and Communication

Muna knew that she wanted to make health information more accessible when she discovered the Biomedical Visualization and Communication program. Here's how the program helped her.

Headshot of Olivia.

Olivia Aguiar

Biomedical Visualization and Communication

When Olivia discovered the Biomedical Visualization and Communication program, she said her “world froze,” and she knew she had to apply for the program. Here’s what attracted her to the program.

Headshot of Rebecca.

Rebecca Ellison

Biomedical Visualization and Communication

When COVID shut her business down, Rebecca sought programs that combined art and science – Biomedical Visualization and Communication program was the perfect fit. Here's what the program meant for her.

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