Modelling for Marine Ecosystem-Based Management

This course is part of the UBC Micro-certificate in Analytics for Leaders in Ocean Management.

Modelling for Marine Ecosystem-Based Management is designed for professionals working with marine or freshwater resources, including for evaluation of trade-off in marine planning and environmental impact assessment. This eight-week course introduces participants to dynamic ecosystem modelling using the versatile Ecopath with Ecosim framework, the world’s most-widely used ecosystem modelling approach. Through hands-on exercises and weekly live lectures, students will learn to apply predator-prey models, assess ecosystem sustainability, evaluate trade-offs in management and make data-driven decisions.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and applications of ecosystem modelling
  • Develop and analyze models using the Ecopath with Ecoism software
  • Apply ecosystem models to address research and policy questions as part of the blue economy
  • Critically evaluate ecosystem modelling approaches, results and trade-offs in management

Course details

Course outline

  • Week 1: Mass-balance: Ecopath
  • Week 2: Time-dynamic: Ecosim
  • Week 3: Environmental impact
  • Week 4: Ecological, social and economic factors
  • Week 5: Time & spatial dynamics: Ecospace
  • Week 6: Spatial applications
  • Week 7: Case study
  • Week 8: Final project

How am I assessed?

This course has two main components for evaluation: participation and a final project.

Participation: Your participation will be evaluated through both synchronous and asynchronous activities. Active engagement in all sessions is expected. If you are unable to attend a session, please watch the recording and discuss the content with the instructor during office hours or via email.

Final project: In addition to participation, students must review the entire textbook and select a topic of interest for analysis using a test model to address a specific question. This analysis will culminate in a 5–10-minute presentation during the final class. If needed, we can discuss accommodations, such as transforming the presentation into a video or an essay.


  • Participation: 25%
  • Final Project: 75%

This course is designed for working professionals; we do not anticipate significant challenges in completing these requirements. To pass the course, you must achieve an overall grade of 70% or higher. Final grades will be provided two weeks after the last live lecture.

Expected effort

Expect to spend approximately four hours a week, participating in two hours of synchronous online lectures, and completing 2 hours of asynchronous work including group discussions reading and assignments.

Technology requirements

To take this course, and for the best experience, we recommend you have access to:

  • an email account
  • a computer or laptop using Windows or macOS or a tablet
  • the latest version of a web browser (or previous major version release)
  • a reliable internet connection
  • a video camera and microphone
  • Software: Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) version 6.7 or later (free download), please download it from
  • Windows operating system. For Mac/Linux users, virtualization software for is required –Parallels is recommended
  • Textbook: Ecosystem Modelling with EwE (open access) by Villy Christensen and Carl Walters

One day before the start of your course, we’ll email you step-by-step instructions for accessing your course.

Course format

This course is 100% online and instructor supported with real-time classes. Log in to your class at scheduled times and participate by video conferencing. During office hours, the instructor will give an online walk-through of the week’s tutorial and address students’ questions. The session will be recorded and made available for later viewing. Participation in office hours is optional.

Real-time classes: Wednesdays, 5–7 pm Pacific Time

Office hours: Mondays, 5–6 pm Pacific Time

Available sessions

There are no upcoming sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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